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How to Avoid These 9 Common Waxing Mistakes When Doing Your Own Facial Waxing


Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Waxing your own facial hair is a roller coaster of emotions. It may seem like an easy task, but it's not. A professional waxing salon is the way to go, but we've all been there with our DIY kits. Don't worry, I'm here to share with you the struggles I've encountered, and how to fix them. Let's do this!

Waxing your own facial hair is a roller coaster of emotions. It may seem like an easy task, but it's not. A professional waxing salon is the way to go, but we've all been there with our DIY kits. Don't worry, I'm here to share with you the struggles I've encountered, and how to fix them. Let's do this!

The "Ooh It BURNS" Allergic Reaction

First things first, make sure you're not allergic to any ingredients in the wax you're using. It's as simple as dabbing a little wax on your arm the day before to test. When you do use the wax, opt for the "hypo-allergenic" and "for sensitive skin" ones to be extra safe.

Waxing Your Makeup Instead Of Hair

Make sure to remove all makeup before waxing. You don't want to have to repeat the process because you forgot to take off your foundation.

The "Holy Hot Damn This Wax Is On Fire" Moment

Yes, hot wax should be hot, but not too hot. Before applying it to your face, test the wax temperature on your wrist. If it's too hot, wait a few minutes for it to cool.

Slip & Slide Strips

If your wax is sliding off, don't panic. Exfoliate your face before applying wax, then sprinkle a little baby powder to help the wax stick.

Ingrown Hair Monsters

Say no to ingrown hairs by exfoliating the morning before you wax. Get rid of all those dead skin cells, and you'll have a clean, smooth wax.

Tugging Hairs The Wrong Way

Make sure to pull the hair against the direction it grows. If you don't, you'll end up with pain but none of the waxing benefits.

Major Breakout Struggles

If you get post-waxing pimples, it's probably because you're touching your face with unclean hands. Avoid touching your face, and only apply soothing aloe or zinc moisturizing cream to the newly waxed areas. Then, take a step back and relax.

Overwaxing The Same Area

Don't reapply wax to the same area over and over again in search of that one stubborn hair. You'll only end up with raw skin. Use tweezers instead and be done with it.

Irritating Your Skin With Sweat

If you plan to work out after waxing, hold off for at least a few hours to avoid sweat-caused breakouts. Your skin will thank you later.

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